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Karnataka Help.in DNPA Code of Conduct

Here we would like to tell all our readers that Karnataka Help is not only a responsible website but all information provided on Karnataka Help is presented with 100% accuracy. We don’t publish any information or articles on Karnatakahelp without solid proof.

Core Principles of DNPA Code of Conduct

The Digital News Publishers Association (DNPA) has a code of ethics for digital news websites that includes the following principles:

  • Accuracy and Objectivity: We strive to provide factual and unbiased information, verifying all details through credible sources.
  • Legal Compliance: We adhere to all applicable laws and regulations, including those related to the Information Technology Act, of 2000.
  • Responsible Reporting: We are mindful of the potential impact of our content and avoid sensationalism or misleading information.
  • Respect for Privacy: We respect the privacy of individuals and avoid publishing sensitive information without proper consent.
  • Conflicts of Interest: We maintain clear boundaries to avoid conflicts of interest that could compromise our editorial independence.

Commitment to Ethical Journalism:

Whatever article is published on Karnataka Help, its source is mainly provided by the concerned organization or the official website of the Government of India, print media, authenticated newspaper cutting evidence, and other 100% reliable sources finally, that’s why we, at the end of every article published on Karnataka help. We will give you quick links and provide you with relevant official source links – print media links, official advertisements, direct online application links, etc. Only completely pure and authentic/certified information will be published. If you want to inform us about something then you can email admin@karnatakahelp.in. Thank you, Karnataka

Join Us to Support Ethical News;

Visit the DNPA website: https://www.dnpa.co.in/